January’s monthly performance across all my listed investments was 1.92%. Which means starting the year with a YTD of 1.92%.
Top 5 company holdings: $RIO, $BATS, $CAML, $SQZ, $INPP. The REITS income fund has ended the month up 2.81%. GOLD and SILVER ETC holdings were up 9.06%. Fund of funds up 0.90%.
You can always rely on the government to do the right thing, once they have tried everything else.
I think we are starting to see reality starting to bite and our government realising that ideology can only get you so far and the free market, businesses and the people will start to rebel against you if you push too hard.
Rachel from Accounts (or Rachel Thieves, Reckless Rachel, whatever you want to call her…) is now probably in breach of her own fiscal rules and will have to return in the spring with budget cuts and/or tax rises (probably both) because their tax rises have killed the economy. Their solution of course will be more tax rises.
The EU is so proud of itself for regulating away industries such as Artificial Intelligence and is now wondering why they don’t have any AI companies.
The UK is also wondering why they have no AI companies when they have made energy 4 times more expensive than the rest of the world and made employment costs far higher.
They have had lots of meetings, and meetings about meetings and even wrote down the word GROWTH on various powerpoint presentations but still no growth.
They just cannot figure it out.
Across the pond Donald Trump is doing all the right things, his inauguration speech was world class and I challenge everyone to watch it, regardless to what you think of Trump, and not be inspired for the USA. He spoke at the World Economic Forum and pretty much announced that every business and entrepreneur should relocate to the USA and they will get the lowest tax rates of any developed country. He is cutting regulation, cutting tax, getting cheap energy… the total opposite to this side of the Atlantic and it’s obvious they will pull even further ahead.
Being positive though all these points mean that it’s going to be increasingly difficult for our socialist leaning governments to continue on their current paths and something will have to give. The people, business, markets will demand it as they will see whats going on across the Atlantic.
We will see a turn towards Nuclear Energy, more acceptance that we do need our North Sea oil and gas (and the jobs it provides) and easing on the push towards Net Zero. The car industry in particular is really struggling at the moment (you know its bad when I’m getting calls from various dealerships trying to sell me cars) so we may see some changes around Electric Vehicles on the penalties charged to manufactures and also some more incentives generally for customers.
Companies with low exposure to the UK in terms of revenue and employment are a better investment at the moment and like most investors I will be focusing my efforts on those opportunities. I will of course keep one eye on UK focused companies as some are now getting very cheap and there will be American buyers on the prowl.
Its been a great start to the new year the FTSE All Share Index is up 6% hopefully this continues throughout the rest of the year… you’ve got to remember though that the stock market isn’t the economy and vice versa… so while the economy might be dire the stock market can perform really well. I’m positive investment wise for the future, some good opportunities out there.